Are You Feeling Your Best?Think back to a time to when you were at your healthiest. Do you still feel the same way? Can you pinpoint a moment in time when your health started to go downhill? Many people have not felt 100% since having a virus or other infection. If you have never fully recovered, your condition may progress from being a short-term acute infection into a longer-term chronic health complaint. Chronic infections can leave you feeling tired with muscular aches and pains and lowered immunity, making you more susceptible to catching every bug that goes around. Even a sniffily nose or cough that doesn’t clear can indicate the presence of a low grade infection. With the help of our Gold Coast Naturopath Linda Cairns you can take positive steps to get truly well again.Getting the Right SupportIt takes a strong immune system to overcome persistent infections. The following herbs and nutrients help boost immunity and support your recovery:
The Gut – Immune ConnectionIn order to have a healthy, thriving immune system, you need to ensure your digestive system is also healthy. With 70% of your immune system in the gut, the microflora or friendly bacteria play an important role. Probiotics are beneficial strains of friendly bacteria that can boost your immune system function. The strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 may help support healthy immunity.The Journey to WellnessA chronic condition was once acute. If your body is unable to successfully recover from an acute infection, it may develop into a chronic health concern that your immune system can’t get the better of. Allowing your body to heal from a chronic infection can take time; the longer you have been sick, the longer you may need to get well again. Whilst you may feel relief in the short term, persisting with herbalists Gold Coast and nutrients can provide long term relief from the nagging symptoms you have grown accustomed to. Remember how great it feels to be 100% healthy again!* References available on request. |
Talk to our Naturopath Gold Coast Linda Cairns about individualised patient formulations today. ph 07 5518 7608 |